services we offer
Below you can see the types of services we offer to travelers and inhabitants of remote places.
Information and help services for travelers in remote areas.
Find out what information and support services PTT Found offers to those travelers who decide to explore remote areas. In addition, you will be able to see which destinations are included in this category.
Check the help we offer to the inhabitants of remote places and what these places are.
If you qualify, you can apply for help virtually.
Visit the following page to find all the reports that have been published. They are displayed in order of relevance and date and can be downloaded as a PDF.
More than 15 types of services offered
We offer more than 15 types of different services for remote area travelers and for inhabitants there.
Cross border
Borders do not prevent us from giving help.
More than 25 countries
At the moment we offer help to more than 25 countries.